Our low-code platform simplifies analytics and reasoning with AI, enabling domain experts in analytical tasks to
easily implement AI, thereby reducing the dependency on specialized teams and complex projects.
Lunar democratizes AI adoption and its integration into organizational processes, leveraging analysis
and augmentation - from simple data analysis to complex reasoning. Gather dispersed knowledge into a single
platform and build automated analysis and intelligent agents with IA, in a low code environment that allows you
to collaborate and share templates of analysis for various applications.
Our sustainability goals: democratize and facilitate access to advanced artificial intelligence resources, aiming to expand and distribute human knowledge to all, and promote economic prosperity, aligning with SDG 9 and 10.
Distrito Announces 17 Selected Generative AI Startups for Development Program
The program allows for the participation of up to 25 startups, meaning there are still eight positions available.
https://epocanegocios.globo.com/startups/noticia/2024/02/distrito-anuncia-17-startups-de-ia-generativa-selecionadas-para-programa-de-fomento.ghtmlLunar is a spinout from the IDIAP Research Institute and has been supported by grants from The Ark Foundation and by FAPERJ . Lunar is also part of the start-up programme of Distrito AI and of Microsoft's Founders Hub .
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